Tag: Support in Guelph
We are a small batch producer of upholstered, one-of-a-kind ottomans and pillows. Read more...
Social enterprise providing branding, communications and marketing services for businesses, non-governmental organizations and government departments. Specializing in campaigns, websites and document (reports, brochures, etc.) production. Call us for help writing proposals! I am an expert fundraiser and proposal writer with 15 years experience writing and evaluation of proposals. Successes include 100k for the Ontario Clean Water Agency, $200k for Ducks Read more...
Connect better with your teen, so you can be their number one again. At The Expert Talk we know you want to be a rock-star parent. In order to do that, you need a strong connection with your teen or tween. The problem is raising a teen can make it feel like a stranger has moved into your house. One Read more...
Midnight Illusions Ltd. is a digital media solutions company specializing in award-winning start-to-finish mobile application development services across several areas: Artificial Intelligence (AI) ♦ Augmented Reality (AR) ♦ Virtual Reality (VR) ♦ Mixed Reality (MR) ♦ Geolocation (GPS) Having been developing mobile apps since 2012 (and websites since 1994), we have extensive experience developing successful solutions across a wide variety Read more...
Chipmunk is the independent provider of telehealth for patients and their caregivers. Reliable, simple and safe. More self-management for patients, less crowded waiting rooms at the doctor’s and lower healthcare costs, that’s what Chipmunk does. With Chipmunk, you check vitals at home and Chipmunk monitors them remotely, together with your own healthcare provider. This way you never have to worry, Read more...
Strategy and evaluation for social impact Realistic, supportive and action-oriented. Good Roots Consulting is a strategy and evaluation firm dedicated to supporting non-profits, governments and other social purpose organizations to strengthen their impact with minimal organizational resources. We understand the challenges of making time for effective strategic planning and evaluation with all the other demands being made of your Read more...
Pollinate helps organizations transfer knowledge and grow practical know-how to build capacity and increase effectiveness. Our assessments and algorithm-based matching are the foundation for agile learning pathways and mentoring experiences, supported by robust activity tracking and measurement tools on our cloud-based platform. Pollinate delivers our suite of virtual solutions to clients in financial services, manufacturing, government, not-for-profit and other sectors Read more...
Software For Construction Health And Safety Compliance With all the day to day responsibilities your construction company faces, the health and safety of your workers is right there on top. But the health and safety compliance can overwhelm even the most efficient business operation. Using Rebar’s easy to use and affordable software you and your team can effortlessly manage your Read more...
My Wellness Compass is our newest addition at Robin’s Nest Family Care. We have created a way to give you access to a Registered Nurse to create a comprehensive treatment plan to help you take your health into your own hands and to take steps to reach your health goals. Your Team. Your Plan. Your Way. Read more...